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Why Healing Spirits?

We combine the best of Western medical approaches with more esoteric practices that acknowledge the spirit that lives in us all.


Students are taught all facets of cutting edge therapeutic massage and a multitude of complimentary techniques.  Alumni are highly competitive with the best practitioners in the nation.  Anatomical, physiological, and pathological competencies are emphasized, as well as test preparation for the nationally required licensing exam.

Healing Spirits offers small, technically rich, experiential classes where individualized attention abounds.


Healing Spirits alumni have highly successful careers in everything from medical massage in medical settings to spas to private practices.


Focus is placed on how to avoid premature “burn out” by use of proper body mechanics and emphasis on how to keep one’s practice fresh and constantly evolving.


Massage Therapy is a dynamic, growing industry today.


Reports show that Americans are increasingly seeking out holistic health care options as an alternative to, and/or to enhance their experience of Western medicine.  A local Boulder massage business experienced growth of up to 40% during the lowest point in the recent economic downturn!


Healing Spirits is ideal for the non-traditional student.


Our year-long program is significantly more affordable than those of our competitors, both cost- and time-wise.  Classes are held 5 days per month from Wednesday-Sunday, allowing students to attend school while still having time for their families and jobs.


Students are surrounded by support.


There is always an instructor, TA, or peer available just a step, phone call or email away who loves what he/she does so much that they are as excited to answer your questions as you are to ask them.  Study groups support students who live locally, and extra special support is given to students who live out of town so that they always feel included in the mix.

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