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Student Resources

Transcript & Certificate Release Policy


This policy applies to all current and former students, excluding foreign students as defined in C.R.S. 23-1-113.5., who have an outstanding debt for tuition, room and board, or other financial aid funds owed to the school and request a transcript, diploma, or certificate.​


  1. Individuals may be subject to a transcript, diploma, or certificate hold when such individual owes certain debts to the School for tuition, room and board fees, or financial aid funds. Individuals will be subject to such a hold when any outstanding payments are still due. If an individual is subject to such a hold, their transcripts, diplomas, or certificates will not be released unless an exemption applies as outlined in section 2 of this policy.

  2. Exemptions are granted for individuals who can demonstrate that the transcript/diploma/certificate request is required for one of the following reasons:

    • Job application

    • Transferring to another postsecondary institution

    • Applying for state, federal, or institutional financial aid

    • Pursuit of opportunities in the military or national guard

    • Pursuit of other postsecondary opportunities​

  3. Process and Procedure for Exemptions: Upon submission of a transcript/diploma/certificate request and documentation to verify an
    exemption, the School will review the request and make a determination regarding whether or not an exemption exists, as outlined in section 2, above. If it is determined that the individual has a valid exemption, the School will release the requested transcript/diploma/certificate. If the School determines that the individual does not meet the exemption criteria, the School will provide a written explanation of the denial of the request within seven business days.​

  4. Individuals have the option to establish a payment plan for an outstanding debt. An individual who wishes to establish a payment plan for a debt owed to the School should contact: The Director, (303) 618-5518

  5. Complaints pertaining to HB22-1049 may be submitted to the Colorado Student Loan Ombudsperson via email to


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