Healing Spirits Massage Training Program
Committed to Quality Education, with Heart | Boulder's Longest Running Massage School
Student Clinic
About Our Student Clinic:
Our student clinics give students their valuable hands-on experiences as “student practitioners” for our scheduled clinic guests. Along with the hands-on experience, students develop their skills in interacting with clients, managing their time effectively, and seeing multiple clients during a clinic shift.
As a clinic guest, you will participate in Level 1 or Level 2 clinics.
Level 1 – 90-minute sessions
Students are halfway through their year-long program, working on fitting a full body massage into a 90-minute interval. It may be their first Student Clinic, and there may be excitement and nerves.
2021 Level 1 Appointments Available:
No appointments currently available.
Level 2 – 60-minute sessions
Students are more seasoned as practitioners and have gained the knowledge to treat specific pain and injuries. They are able to customize a treatment to address your specific needs.
2021 Level 2 Appointments Available:
No appointments currently available.
Your participation in clinic feedback is crucial! We value your honest and constructive feedback – the more detailed the better! It will help our students to become great massage therapists.
Spots fill quickly and are reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis. So call or e-mail us today to schedule yours!
To Book:
Call the Healing Spirits Living Arts Center at 970-531-5559
Text us at 970-531-5559
Paying for your appointment:
All clinic sessions are offered at the affordable price of $40.
We accept payment by cash, check, or credit card.
All proceeds go to the student scholarship fund to help future students fulfill their dreams to become massage therapists, meaning the school makes no profit from these clinics. So this is truly a way to “pay it forward.”
Your generous tips/gratuities are pooled and used by the students to fund the class graduation ceremony and celebration expenses.
We require a credit card number to hold your reservation.
Cancellation Policy:
We kindly request a minimum of 24 hours notice for canceling your appointment. If we do not receive that much notice, your credit card will be charged for the full amount of the session. Please understand that this is to honor the time and energy that our students put in to hold space for you.
All Student Clinics are held at our school location:
Healing Spirits Living Arts Center
3825 Iris Ave. Ste. 310
Boulder, CO 80301