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Administrative Policies

Out-of-Class Requirements

Students are required to give 2-3 massages per week for the duration of the program. A journal must be kept to record and document every massage. In order to graduate, a minimum of 125 hours of documented massage is required. In addition, students should allocate time for required study groups, reading, journal assignments and study time to assimilate the material presented in class.


Grading Procedure

All grading is done on a pass/fail system. Grades will not rely on the sole use of written examinations, but will rely heavily on student evaluations. Evaluations will be based upon class discussions, behavior and participation, journals, attendance, and promptness. This is a practice-oriented program. The nature of Healing Spirits’ curriculum requires a commitment from students to concentrate on the material between class sessions, as well as during class-time. Students will be asked to evaluate their own progress throughout the program, and will receive either oral or written feedback as each third of the program is completed.


Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all classes. Any classes missed must be made up. Students are not allowed to miss more than 10% of the entire program. Please take note that it may be necessary to make up missed information privately with an instructor at a charge of $45 – 70 per hour. Consistent and/or repeated tardiness demonstrates a lack of respect for the instructor and fellow participants and is strongly discouraged.


Conditions for Dismissal

A student may be dismissed for any of the following reasons:

  1. Consistent failure to turn completed homework in on time;

  2. Having excessive absences and/or chronic lateness;

  3.  Attending classes under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

  4.  Behaving in a manner that may be harmful to the students, faculty, learning environment, property or the reputation of the program;

  5.  Failure to keep tuition payments current;

  6. Breach of privacy or confidentiality;

  7. Inappropriate sexual behavior;

  8. Receiving a failing grade(s) without making up course work;

  9. Removal of supplies or equipment from the premises without permission;

  10. Consistent classroom interruptions due to personal drama.


Students who abuse these rules will be put on a 60 day probation period to allow them to rectify all discrepancies. If this is not achieved within the 60 days, dismissal will ensue.


Students who have been dismissed or have withdrawn for any reason may re-apply for future programs at the discretion of the director.


There is a two year limitation on filing a complaint with the Colorado Department of Private Occupational Schools.  They can be contacted at 1560 Broadway, Suite 1600, Denver, Colorado 80202; (303) 866-2723.


Postponement of Start Date

Postponement of a starting date, whether at the request of the school or the student, requires a written agreement signed by the student and the school.  The agreement must set forth:

  1. Whether the postponement is for the convenience of the school or the student; and

  2. A deadline for the new start date, beyond which the start date will not be postponed


If the course is not commenced, or the student fails to attend by the new start date set forth in the agreement, the student will be entitled to an appropriate refund of prepaid tuition and fees within 30 days of the deadline of the new start date set forth in the agreement, determined in accordance with the school’s refund policy and all applicable laws and rules concerning the Private Occupational Act of 1981.

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